Nama Hari Dalam Seminggu


Ada beberapa istilah nama-nama hari di dalam bahasa Inggris yang wajib anda kuasai.

Sunday Ahad / Minggu

Monday Senin

Tuesday Selasa

Wednesday Rabu

Thursday Kamis

Friday Jumat (Jum'at)

Saturday Sabtu

week minggu

day hari

holiday hari libur

yesterday kemarin

today hari ini

tomorrow esok (formal), besok (informal)

next tomorrow lusa

Dan berikut singkatan dalam penulisan nama hari yang sering dipakai:

Mo., Mon.
Tu., Tue., Tues.
We., Wed.
Th., Thu., Thur., Thurs.
Fr., Fri.
Sa., Sat.
Su., Sun.

Perbedaan antara weekdays dan weekend

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Saturday, Sunday

Listening Section 

Days of the Week

Two people talk about what they do during the week.

Todd: So, Meg, are you busy? Do you have a busy week?

Meg: Yes. I usually have a busy week.

Todd: Yeah, me too. So what day is your busiest day?

Meg: My busiest day is Thursday.

Todd: Why?

Meg: On Thursday, I have to work from early in the morning until around 6:00 p.m. I have to teach classes. And then after that, I need to do my shopping at the supermarket.

Todd: Okay. I do my shopping on Saturday.

Meg: Oh, really?

Todd: Yeah, always on Saturday.

Meg: What else do you do on Saturday?

Todd: On Saturday, I do all my boring activities.

Meg: Like what?

Todd: I do my shopping. I do my laundry. I run errands. I clean my apartment. I do boring stuff because on Sunday, I like to have fun.

Meg: What do you like to do on Sunday?

Todd: On Sunday, I often go hiking or I go to the park or I go to the beach. I go to the beach almost every Sunday.

Meg: Wow, that sounds really fun.

Todd: Yeah, the beach is beautiful. Nobody is there. It's really nice.

Meg: Yeah, it sounds great.

Todd: How about you? What do you do on Sunday?

Meg: On Sunday, I always go to church in the morning, and sometimes I'll have lunch with friends after church.

Todd: Oh, cool.

Meg: And then, I usually clean as well, Sunday evening before the new week starts.

Todd: Now, do you work Monday through Friday?

Meg: Yes, I work every weekday. What about you?

Todd: I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. I don't work Wednesday.

Meg: Oh, what's your schedule like on Wednesdays?

Todd: On Wednesdays, I usually stay at home and I relax. Sometimes, I go shopping. Sometimes, I go to the park. Sometimes, I prepare lessons because I'm a teacher.

Meg: So, sometimes you do a little work on Wednesdays?

Todd: Yes, but I do work at my house.

Meg: Oh, right.

Todd: I never go to school on Wednesday.

Meg: Why not?

Todd: Because it's a day off. So, how about Monday? Are you busy on Monday?

Meg: I'm usually busy on Monday because my schedule is similar to Thursday, so I have to teach a class until around 6:00 p.m.

Todd: Yeah, Mondays are busy for me too. Mondays are busy. Thursdays also are busy. Tuesday and Friday are not so busy.

Meg: Your schedule sounds a little similar to mine.

Todd: Yeah. Well, we're both teachers.

Meg: That's true.

Todd: What about activities? Do you do any activities during the week?

Meg: During the week, if I have free time, sometimes I will watch a TV show or a movie and I also go to Japanese language class.

Todd: Oh, nice.

Meg: Yeah, so sometimes I have homework so I have to do my Japanese language homework some nights. What about you?

Todd: I play futsal on Tuesday nights. Every Tuesday, I play futsal with my friends for two hours and that's fun. And then, sometimes on Friday, I meet my friends for dinner.

Meg: That sounds good.

Todd: And I also like sports so I usually watch sports on TV on Monday.

Meg: What sports do you usually watch on Monday?

Todd: I watch everything. I watch baseball. I watch basketball. I watch American football and I watch soccer. So I come home and I watch a video of a game from Saturday or Sunday. I don't watch sports on Saturday or Sunday. I watch the video later on Monday night.

Meg: Is it better that way?

Todd: Yeah. Usually, I don't check the internet, so I don't know the score.

Meg: Well, it sounds like you have a busy schedule.

Todd: You too.

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